Breakout Trading Blog

The Importance of Confidence for Beginning Traders
The "right type" of confidence is important for trading success, especially when starting out. Watch this short clip where algorithmic breakout trading specialists Tomas Nesnidal...

7 Reasons To Use Breakout Strategies
Wondering why breakout trading is so popular and you should focus on it too? Then check out this short video with algorithmic traders and breakout trading specialists Tomas...

How Much Can Traders Realistically Expect to Make?
Want to know how to adjust your trading for changes in the markets? Watch this short clip where algorithmic traders Tomas Nesnidal and Andrew Swanscott discuss "How To Diversify...

How To Diversify Your Trading To Adjust For Market Change
Want to know how to adjust your trading for changes in the markets? Watch this short clip where algorithmic traders Tomas Nesnidal and Andrew Swanscott discuss "How To Diversify...
Modern ways of position sizing
When I first started with trading more than a decade ago, I thought trading success was about being right - knowing when to enter the market and milk some money out of it quickly. Pretty soon the markets taught me that this was not the right path to...
Enough strategies for a lifetime
Last Friday Andrew shared with Breakout Strategy Masterclass students a summary of 700+ amazing breakout trading strategies he personally created using the process from the Breakout Masterclass With this outstanding number of powerful strategies (21% of...
The 3 stages of trading blindness
A common phenomena I call “system trading blindness” is one of the biggest obstacles towards long-term trading success and is one of the key reasons why so many system traders fail. [bctt tweet="'“System trading blindness” is one of the biggest obstacles...
Trading advice from a jungle guide
I just got back from the jungle. The real, Malaysian jungle, where I spent 3 days, together with spiders, snakes, monitor lizards, elephants, monkeys and other similar company. Although I didn’t have any direct encounters with dangerous animals (just constantly...
My Love Affair With Breakouts
It’s Valentine's day in a few days, so I think it’s a good time to share how I fell in love... It happened about 7 years ago, during a time when I was looking for ‘The one’ - that perfect trading strategy. The One I could spend the rest of my life with....
The Apple Portfolio Strategy
Apple is now one of the most valuable companies in the world, but back in 1997 it was a very different story. The company was in extremely poor condition, losing tens of millions of dollars every quarter, trying to sustain a huge amount of products, and with no clear...
Quit to Win
Without regular servicing and maintenance a car becomes unreliable, inefficient and can break down completely over time. Last week we shared how regular maintenance and reoptimization of trading strategies is also important for good performance,...
Maintain to survive (and stay profitable)
Do you know what is one of the favorite hobbies in Europe? Having, and constantly improving small, cozy weekend houses (usually far away from the city). A calm sanctuary to spend our weekends and relax for the upcoming week. My parents had a small weekend house about...
Market-beating lesson from a Karate World Champion
"A very thin line separates victory from defeat" - Ricardo Teixeira (Karate World Champion in 1993) Last year, we had the opportunity to meet the World Champion in Karate Shukokai, Ricardo Teixeira. In an amazingly inspiring speech of his outstanding achievement,...