Last Friday Andrew shared with Breakout Strategy Masterclass students a summary of 700+ amazing breakout trading strategies he personally created using the process from the Breakout Masterclass

With this outstanding number of powerful strategies (21% of them passed the toughest Robustness Level, which is way beyond most publicly known robustness testing procedures) he officially became the most efficient student of the Masterclass so far.

But he also got me thinking about a famous quote:

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.

In the Breakout Masterclass we teach a process that can feed traders ‘for a lifetime’:

  • A process that works across many different markets, so you can enjoy feasting on different types of fish instead of the same thing every day,
  • A process that has some of the toughest robustness checks in the industry, so you can immediately tell if you’ve got a “rotten” fish or a “fresh” one,
  • A process that can produce results in any market conditions, whether the waters are stormy or calm,
  • And a process that scales, so you can build up a store of fish like Andrew has, and always have more ready to go when you need them.

Here’s what some of the Breakout Masterclass students are saying:

So stop worrying about where your next “fish” will come from, and learn to become a master fisherman in the Breakout Strategies Masterclass.

Happy fishing!

Tomas and Andrew


7 Proven Tips to Build Profitable Breakout Strategies FAST

Key components to building better breakout strategies faster than ‘normal’

The most common mistakes breakout traders often make that costs them money – don’t let these catch you out

How to choose the best markets and timeframe for quicker and more consistent results

The shockingly simple technique to fast-track your breakout trading progress in just days
