It’s been a pretty exhausting week.

We’ve been recruiting a small group of ELITE traders, for a one-year mastermind program.

First of all, the program is by invitation only, so we personally review every application and then I have a short chat with the majority of candidates too. So it was a lot of calls. But I truly LOVED this part, talking with such amazing guys. They’re very driven traders and some are very experienced.

The program is limited to a small group plus we had some strict criteria, so we couldn’t take them all into the program and it was hard to make the final decision.

But I believe we decided well. I feel that we’ve assembled a truly extraordinary group. A small, but very powerful group of extraordinarily sharp, driven and elite traders. Some of these guys already trade 6 to 7 figures accounts and are very close to potentially become hedge fund managers too. Some of them trade smaller accounts as well, some have produced amazing research and some have some truly creative ideas. Every single person in the program brings something unique.

And through the entire year of 2020 we’ll be working together, breaking EVERY limit and boundary we can in our trading.

Because that is what this extraordinary group is all about.

So, in today’s post, I want to acknowledge these ELITE traders because they all started with us just 2-3 years ago, first with the 14-day breakout strategy challenge and then the Breakout Masterclass.

And now they’re not only going to be part of this extraordinary group but they also have the opportunity to win a contest to get 1,000,000 USD under management with my hedge fund. This could be a potential game-changer for the winner and launch their trading career to new heights!

Now, THAT is exciting.

I’ve never worked with such a great group of talented guys, so 2020 is going to be truly inspiring.

I hope 2020 is a great year for you as well!

Good luck and happy trading!



How To Start Creating Profitable Breakout Strategies In 2 Weeks Without Spending More Than 35 Minutes A Day

✓ The simple but incredibly powerful process to building profitable breakout strategies really fast,

✓ The 5 key components you need to create a good quality breakout strategy,

✓ How the power of automation can slash the time and effort you need to create loads of breakout strategies quickly and easily,

✓ How to tell if a breakout strategy is worth trading or is just over-fit rubbish,

✓ Start generating profitable breakout strategies in under 14 days without spending more than 35 Minutes A Day.

