Last week I was testing some new Walk Forward software…

And I wanted to compare the results of this new software with the results from Tradestation, but there was a problem…

I needed to test it on lots of strategies.

Not just a few. I wanted to test hundreds.

And I didn’t want it to take weeks, I wanted an answer fast – in just 1 day.

So I set to work and in just a few hours (plus 5 hours of sleep) I managed to do Walk Forward tests on 613 strategies, and compare the results to the Tradestation results already in my database.

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How did I do it?

What sort of trickery did I use?

Well there was no magic to it, I just used the principle from Abraham Lincoln who said:

“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.”

So, instead of jumping into testing straight away, I took some time to think about what I could do to make my results faster and easier. I ended up spending a few hours writing an automation to do the work for me, and I let it run overnight while I was sleeping.

And this is the approach I try to use for everything that I do, so I can work efficiently and get results fast.

Now I know that might sound logical, but unfortunately lots of traders don’t think that way.

They’re enthusiastic and want results fast, so they jump right in and work hard testing ideas and trading strategies. They work late into the night, and all through the weekend, but progress is slow. They don’t get the results they expect for so much effort.

They’re hacking away with a blunt axe.

Fortunately, there are much easier and faster ways for traders to get results. And one of the main techniques we use at BTA to get results faster and easier is through “SmartCode”.

SmartCode is a specially designed code template to get your computer to do most of the work for you. And the SmartCode concept can be used in a number of different ways:

  • In the 14-day breakout challenge and Breakout Strategies Masterclass, you can use the SmartCode to generate trading strategies for you, and it usually only takes a few minutes to setup so you can leave it running while you go do other things (like eating, sleeping or sharpening an axe),
  • In Trading Market Internals and Smashing False Breakouts, you can apply the SmartCode to your existing strategies, to reduce drawdowns and false breakouts, and improve the overall performance of your trading strategies,
  • And you can even use SmartCode to do other things, like market studies and testing ideas.

It’s a powerful technique traders are already using to get results. And they’re doing it much faster than those poor traders hacking away at the work manually.

SmartCode is the “sharp axe” traders need to get faster results with much less effort.

So if you feel like you’re hacking away in your own trading, you may want to consider Uncle Abe’s advice. Improve your results with less work using SmartCode.

Happy trading,


How To Start Creating Profitable Breakout Strategies In 2 Weeks Without Spending More Than 35 Minutes A Day

✓ The simple but incredibly powerful process to building profitable breakout strategies really fast,

✓ The 5 key components you need to create a good quality breakout strategy,

✓ How the power of automation can slash the time and effort you need to create loads of breakout strategies quickly and easily,

✓ How to tell if a breakout strategy is worth trading or is just over-fit rubbish,

✓ Start generating profitable breakout strategies in under 14 days without spending more than 35 Minutes A Day.

