Markets aren’t always on our side.

In fact, at any moment, they can turn on you. 

And right now, we’re seeing a lot of panic in the markets.

The question is, how ready are you? And more importantly, how protected is your account?

Are you prepared to see your capital get completely wiped out?

Or do you have systems in place to protect it and thrive?

The good news is that you don’t EVER have to be part of the first group.

A while ago, Andrew and I recorded a podcast episode called How to protect your account in times of market stress.

In that podcast episode, we discussed a number of factors traders should consider when the markets are going crazy, including:

  • The risks of trading in troubled markets, and how you can take advantage of them to create more trading opportunities,
  • What you can do right now to make sure your trading account survives for the long haul,
  • What risk management techniques you can apply to your account to save yourself an enormous amount of money and pain,
  • The best approach you could apply in any kind of market stress,
  • The benefits of trading futures markets compared to stocks,
  • Plus, much more.

If you want to check it out, click here to listen along.

To finish up, here’s a great quote from the discussion:

“A crisis is a huge opportunity to learn something valuable and build a really serious trading business.” 

Trade carefully,

