It’s Valentine’s day in a few days, so I think it’s a good time to share how I fell in love…

It happened about 7 years ago, during a time when I was looking for ‘The one’ – that perfect trading strategy.

The One I could spend the rest of my life with.

Happily ever after.

I spent months searching, spending long nights and weekends exploring my options.

A few looked really promising, but at the end we broke up because it just wasn’t working out.

Some even took my money!

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Over time, I started becoming desperate, but then one day….

…a friend introduced me to ‘the one’ – a beautifully simple, yet refined, breakout strategy.

And that was it – love at first sight!

I wanted to know EVERYTHING about her and dedicated more time learning about her, getting to know her, her personality, the good and the bad.

But after a while, I realised one just wasn’t enough, I wanted MORE…

So I figured out a framework to create an UNLIMITED number of strategies.

I became a true lover of breakout strategies and since then, we’ve had a very abundant life together.

This is what I really love about breakout strategies:

  1. I love their charm – Once you see your first profitable breakout strategy, you can’t help but smile! 'Once you see your first profitable breakout strategy, you can’t help but smile!' Share on X
  2. I love their willingness – They’re happy to extract a lot of money for you as soon as they see a potential opportunity,
  3. I love their adaptability – You can take them to nearly any market and they behave themselves,
  4. I love their flexibility – If treated well, they can adjust to ever-changing conditions,
  5. I love their refined simplicity – They don’t need to be complex or hard to understand.
    Are you looking for (trading) love?

Would you like to get closer to breakout trading happiness?

If so, here’s a suggestion for you – to celebrate the 14th of February…

Try the 14 Day Breakout Strategy Challenge.

Perhaps it will help you to find everlasting love too!

Happy trading and happy Valentine!



How To Start Creating Profitable Breakout Strategies In 2 Weeks Without Spending More Than 35 Minutes A Day

✓ The simple but incredibly powerful process to building profitable breakout strategies really fast,

✓ The 5 key components you need to create a good quality breakout strategy,

✓ How the power of automation can slash the time and effort you need to create loads of breakout strategies quickly and easily,

✓ How to tell if a breakout strategy is worth trading or is just over-fit rubbish,

✓ Start generating profitable breakout strategies in under 14 days without spending more than 35 Minutes A Day.
