Have you ever watched a kid learn to ride a bike?
They fall down.
Get back up.
Fall down again.
But they keep going.
Trading works the same way. I see it every day.
The best traders I know invest in themselves like crazy.
They’re always learning.
Always growing.
Always pushing themselves.
But here’s the thing most people miss…
It’s not just about learning new trading strategies. That’s the easy part.
The hard part? Working on yourself.
I spent years studying the best traders in the world. They all have these things in common:
They’re curious as hell. Always asking questions. Always testing new ideas.
They’re mentally tough. Market kicks them down? They get right back up.
They show up every day. Even when they don’t feel like it.
They believe in themselves. Not in some woo-woo way. But they know they can figure stuff out.
And here’s the biggest one…
They surround themselves with other successful traders.
Want to know the fastest way to become a better trader? Hang out with better traders.
That’s why I created the BTA trading community.
It’s where serious traders come to level up.