Imagine an EMPOWERED TRADER coming to your trading room once a month…
…to share something new and cool with you.
Imagine improving your trading results a bit every single month, just because the EMPOWERED TRADER shares with you HOW EXACTLY.
And imagine doing that in a form that will be really FUN… (while you’ll still keep learning A LOT).
Sounds tempting? :-)
Ok, let me stop teasing you and finally reveal what this all is about. And get really excited, because…
…we’re launching something unique, fresh and exciting, that you definitely shouldn’t miss. It’s called….
The EMPOWERED TRADER newsletter! :-)
The entire Better Trader Academy team has been working on this project for months, and we’re very proud it’s finally ready for you.
Our intent was to create something fresh and NEW, but also something TANGIBLE. Something that would land in your mailbox every single month, printed on ACTUAL paper, so you can enjoy it anywhere you go!
That’s right, this isn’t just another email newsletter. This one will be delivered to your postbox in physical paper form, and of course, it will contain TERRIFIC content:
Priceless trading tips, new angles and views on trading. New inspiration to give you the right “kick” and “boost”. Highly practical downloads and bonuses, and much more. Plus, everything is shared in a FUN way you’ll LOVE to read! :-)
But wait, that’s not all!
The Empowered Trader also comes with a spectacular FREE gift:
The thickest Algo trading book on the market! (well, we think it is anyway)
To be more specific, 640 pages of quality content, delivered as a good-old paper book directly into your post box (ah, and did I mention that you can get it for FREE?)
It will help change your trading, and perhaps even your life.
And as I said – it’ll be a lot of fun too! :-)
Just check it out here and sign up to start TODAY.
Happy trading!