what’s eating your trading profits

what’s eating your trading profits

Ever seen a cartoon and thought, “Yep, that’s me”?  I stumbled upon one on Twitter last week: I’ve been that trader. And so have many others. Here’s how it usually goes: – Gorgeous trade setup – Indicators screaming “go” – So, you dive in...
my only regret

my only regret

The other day I was reflecting on my trading journey and had an amazing realization. Before I discovered trading, I was a creative director in an advertising agency. Even though I was very interested in the creative side of filmmaking, I hated the corporate hustle...
why amateur traders don’t make it

why amateur traders don’t make it

Someone asked me a great question the other day: When building trading strategies, what’s the difference between amateur and professional traders? This is a really important question to ask because we all start as amateurs, but… Most traders never make it to...
is breakout trading bad?

is breakout trading bad?

Breakout trading sometimes gets a bad rap. People complain the win rates are too low… They suffer from nasty drawdowns… And false breakouts are painful. While this is partially true, we should remember ALL trading strategies have good points and bad points.  No...
this is funny

this is funny

Saw this funny cartoon a few days ago: One thing I’ve noticed working with 100s (maybe 1000s) of traders: People make trading more complicated than it needs to be. You CAN make a great income from trading with simple ideas, if you trade with discipline,...
would you trade places with Branson?

would you trade places with Branson?

Hey there, Ever caught yourself dreaming what it’d be like to be a billionaire like Branson?  It turns out he might just be envying you… Here’s the story: During a radio chat, a gutsy guy named Jack threw Branson a curveball. “Hey, you’ve got...