My biggest trading failure of 2019

My biggest trading failure of 2019

We all fail sometimes. And in this post, I’m going to share with you very openly what I consider to be my biggest trading failure of 2019. But first, let me start with this: As most already know, as a trader, I consider myself to be a BREAKOUT specialist. In trading,...
This ruined my night.. but I’m glad it did

This ruined my night.. but I’m glad it did

Last night, I was flicking through the channels on TV, hoping to catch something interesting to watch as I wind down for the day. As I was quickly scanning through the dozens of useless shows being broadcast, I stumbled on a documentary called “Capitalism: A...
Traders, stop doing this!

Traders, stop doing this!

Last week I published a post about the journey of my hedge fund, which is now heading (hopefully) towards a 100 million Euro investment. And I was super pleased to receive lots of email feedback, not only on that post but also on my question about who intends to...
Navy SEALs, SAS, and Elite traders

Navy SEALs, SAS, and Elite traders

About two months ago, Andrew and I had a great conversation about elite traders. We were both in the U.S., and the conversation was spread over a few days. It usually happened either in Starbucks, or Red Lobster, 2 of our favorite places! Both Andrew and I have quite...
The 100 million Euro idea

The 100 million Euro idea

My hedge fund is close to finalizing a deal. This deal would mean up to 100 million Euro invested in my hedge fund over the next year. Now, don’t get me wrong – until everything is signed and done, I’m definitely not celebrating yet. I know that closing deals...
Kicked in the teeth

Kicked in the teeth

Did you see my email from a few days ago? It was about one of my favorite quotes from the TV series Breaking Bad. In case you missed it, the quote goes like this: “I have spent my whole life scared, frightened of things that could happen, might happen, might not...
Your enemy

Your enemy

Last weekend I watched the movie “El Camino”. It’s an extension of the Breaking Bad television series – one of my most favorite TV series ever. If you haven’t seen Breaking Bad, it’s about a struggling high school chemistry teacher...
This is disappointing

This is disappointing

I have a confession to make. It’s almost as disappointing as the ending to Game of Thrones, but… It’s something that ALL traders have to deal with, so I know I’m not alone. And to make matters worse, it’s something that Tomas and I talked...

DISCLAIMER: Trading involves significant risk of loss and is not suitable for everyone. People can and do lose money. Hypothetical results have many inherent limitations. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.

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